Studio A
500 Square foot live room with white cyc-wall, overhead lighting rails and LED lighting panel package.
Separate 300 square foot control room with ProTools HD 3 system, Universal Audio 4710d, and Dual Raven touch screen control interfaces.
Great for photo shoots, podcasts, interviews, tracking, in-studio performances, and live streams.
Lighting package w/ overhead mounting rails
Artist Lounge, Crafty Area, Mini Fridge
Sony DSLR Camera Packages Available
Live stream and HDMI Mixer Available

Comfortable and eclectic 400 square foot Studio. Great vibes for writing, tracking and mixing.
Avid C|24 Controller
15 square foot ISO Booth
Phillip HUE bulbs, Full spectrum color
Artist Lounge, Crafty Area, Mini-Fridge
Sony DSLR Camera Packages Available

Free Wifi
Artist Lounge w/ Mini Fridge and Craft Service Area
Gated Parking Lot
3 Designated Parking Spots
Exterior Smoking Patio